Greetings From Galway

Well, we departed Dingle a bit early- pretty rainy, hard to get around on foot to the good stuff. Although, we did our share of cruising the shops and walking. And walking. And walking! But it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Thank you, Meg, for prompting us to visit! So we spent all day on a bus again and arrived here around 6pm. Right in the middle of rush hour. But they had room for us at the hostel- which we picked for it's free wi-fi. :o) And, Cork- so far we have gathered a few things from your scavenger list- the claddagh, shamrock in our Guinness, black headed sheep, tons of Catholic schoolgirls and boys in uniform, and the celtic cross...we plan to take in a few more in the next few days! We hope all is well at home and look forward to sharing more of our travels. For now, farewell!
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