Two Weeks at Guinness Camp

Friday, September 09, 2005

Rainy Day

Guess what? It's raining! :o) Or, as we heard a local say on the bus- it's slashing rain in Galway. (To be said in an Irish accent, of course!) So we had a nice day of wandering around, sipping coffee/hot chocolate, window shopping, reading/sketching... and our pre-dinner pint! The hostel is ok- lots of kids (and the stray middle-aged kid) and loudness. But a great location and free internet. Our earplugs have come in handy, thats for sure. We have a free day tomorrow, then a few tours booked for Sun/Mon. Should have some great photos if the rain lets up! Ok, that's it for now. Hope all is well on the home fronts! Love, Molly and Brian


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